Daresbury Chronicle April 2012
Daresbury Village News
The village fete was held in the grounds of the rectory, opposite the church. Daresbury Alice, Ros Bayton opened the fete, this is her (left) making a neat speech as she declared the fete open after being put on the spot by the Vicar Rev. David Felix.
It was a good day weather wise and the fete raised £2,800 towards church funds. The fete was more compact than when it was held in its previous venue but it appeared to be well attended. The ice cream stall was a new addition, Claire Whitlow from Daresbury Dairy sold her delicious ice cream at the fete. For information about how to buy yourself an ice cream for the rest of the year see the ad on page 8. (The dairy has a modern purpose built ice cream parlour and sells many different flavours in cones and in take home packs. It is in Newton Lane quite close to Lewis Carroll’s birthplace.)
The opening of the new Lewis Carroll rooms attached to the church had to be postponed when thieves raided the building site in August. This set the work plan back several weeks. The rooms will be finished and will be used in the Autumn/Winter of this year but it has been decided to postpone any official opening until early in 2012. At the moment a date of sometime is late March is thought to be a possibility.