Autumn 2018 Meeting of The Society
Cosmic Chick Tapestries
Moyra Fye talked about the Heritage Open Days. The theme was ‘Extraordinary Women’ and, of course, Alice was an extraordinary woman. A patchwork group from Frodsham - Cosmic Chicks - approached the church with tapestries done on an Alice theme. Each member picked an Alice subject out of a hat and then had to produce a work on that theme. So if you picked the Mad Hatter that was your subject. One thing they had to put into each picture was a white rabbit. Their work has been presented to the Lewis Carroll Society.
The tapestries can be seen below. Just click on one to see a full screen view.
Forthcoming Exhibition at Southport's Atkinson Gallery
Liz Wright talked about the forthcoming exhibition at the Atkinson. and showed some illustrations about Alice particularly Carroll’s own Alice’s “Adventures Underground” and Tenniel’s illustrations fro Alice In Wonderland The illustrations here are the two for the Pool of Tears.
The show - “ Inspired By Alice” runs from Saturday 25 May to Saturday 7 September 2019 at the Atkinson Gallery in the centre of Southport. Open Monday to Saturday 10am to 4pm
You can see a panorama of the exhibition and read a review in the October 2019 article by going to Alice at The Atkinson.